meets tech

We make the world of company equity approachable for anyone by combining our financial expertise, user-friendliness, and dedication to provide a first-class customer experience.
Equity compensation

Optio helps with all steps in the equity compensation life cycle.

  • Administrator portal

  • Valuations and accounting

  • Employee

  • Trading and share custody


Administrator portal

Effortlessly plan and administer equity compensation.
Overview Awards status New awards Vesting Documents Orders


Keep track of all active and historical grants, such as vested, exercised, and terminated instruments.

Get the big picture through our widgets and graphs, drill down into the details, and extract the information you need.

Awards status

Awards status

Take track of all awarded employees and the value of their awards effortlessly.

You can see active program participants, assign them to correct cost centers, and terminate ones leaving your company.

New awards

New awards

Awarding employees can quickly become a complicated process.

With Optio, you can add new equity plans and award employees effortless since all the steps from awards creation to the document's acceptance are automated and taken care of by us.



Creating even the most complex vesting schedule can be easy with our vesting simulation functionality.

We can also calculate for you the estimated Fair Value of awards upfront so you can see the total cost of the awards.



Create unique documents for all your awarded employees in no time. The agreement acceptance process is fully automated, and all your documents are stored securely in our portal.

Employees see their agreements, and you, as the employer, have complete control of all contracts, plan documents, and more.



All orders (purchase, sale, exercise, etc.) are registered in our portal and monitored in real-time by you.

A simple and efficient process, so you avoid paperwork and manual hassle.


Valuations and accounting

Stay compliant with detailed financial reports.
Valuations Accounting Audit trail Simulations & budgeting Security


Our valuation module handles all types of instruments and performs complex valuations (Black-Scholes, Monte Carlo, etc.) on the go, saving you time, costs and resources.



With our state-of-the-art reporting solution, we ensure that your financial reporting is compliant with IFRS 2 as well as other related standards.

Our team of experts is available and happy to assist with any financial reporting questions that you may want to discuss.

Audit Trial

Audit trail

Share-based payments concern compensation, taxes, dilution, and much more.

Reassure your auditor that you have complete control of your reporting. All activities and transactions are logged and stored with an entire audit trail to ensure transparency with the Optio solution.


Simulations & budgeting

Do you wonder how your incentive programs will impact future financial costs and what the potential employee gain will be?

With the help of the Optio expert team, you will get the answers you need for budgeting, scenario analysis, and more through our simulation tools.



We eliminate the extensive spreadsheets that cause a high risk of manual errors. All data is stored on secure servers with the Optio solution, roll-back features, etc.


Employee portal

Effortlessly plan and administer equity compensation.
Visualize values Events Portfolio details Easy vesting Document Support
Visualize values

Visualize values

A glance at the dashboard makes it possible for your employees to understand the value of their share-based incentive, regardless of the instrument type (RSU, RSA, Option, and more).



Awarded employees can track their vestings, see planned and active windows, and track the history of their events.

Portfolio details

Portfolio details

With access to our portal, your employees can easily track the current and past value of their instruments and calculate what they can be worth in the future.

Easy Vesting

Easy vesting

Our awards visualization makes even the most complex vesting schedule easy to understand.

Documents Green


Employees see their accepted agreements, and have complete control of all contracts, plan documents, and more.



Employees will find the answers to the most common questions within the portal, and if they still need assistance, our highly competent support team is only a chat or email away.

Based on your T&C and agreements, we can build a custom and extensive FAQ for your participants.


Share custody and trading

Simplify share holding and trading across jurisdictions
Share holding Trading Excercises without liquidy Exchange notices

Share holding

If you are offering equity-based incentives to employees located abroad, you may need a nominee in whose name those instruments will be hold.



Our platform enables exercise, purchase and sales of shares.

It is a simple and efficient process, so you avoid paperwork and manual hassle.


Excercises without liquidy

As an integrated part of the exercise windows, awarded employees are offered* the DNB Cashless product, easing the possibility of exercising options and warrants requiring a strike price to be paid upfront.

*Conditional on company and partner approval.


Exchange notices

Some events connected to your incentive programs may require you to disclose the information to the applicable Stock Exchange.

Receive exchange notices based on your customized template, saving you time and ensuring that you are compliant with the stock exchange rules.

Equity management

We want to help you with more than
the incentive aspect of your equity.

Therefore we are working on launching our cap table functionality to have all your equity data in one place.


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Empower your team with equity incentives

Book a meeting with us, and you will learn the secrets of incentivizing your employees with equity in no time.
  • Free demo
  • Easy equity program rollout
  • Worry-free administration and accounting